Qualified Personnel -  Members of Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works (HKICW) offering the required professional services under the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS)
The following list is the registry for HKICW Members who are qualified to provide the required professional services s of "Qualified Persons"under the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme enforced by the Buildings Department from 30 June, 2012.

香港工程監督學會會員 : 「可提供合資格人士驗窗服務」登記名冊 根據屋宇署2012年6月30日推行的「強制驗窗計劃」,以下是有興趣提供強制驗窗服務的合資格人士的名冊:

Updated as at 31 Oct 2022

Serial No.
English Name
Chinese Name
Membership No.
Telephone No.
E-mail Address
1Hung Po Lung, Ken洪寶龍M06939232 2924kenhungpl@yahoo.com.hk
2Kung Hiu Leung, Daniel龔曉亮M07486701 5597danielkung@263.net

1. The information in the “Telephone No.”, “Email Address” and “Fax No.” columns is provided by the persons on a voluntary basis. The selection of any person on this list is purely a private matter between the building owner and that person concerned. These persons on this list, therefore should not be regarded as recommended by HKICW or the Government.
2. This register is intended to facilitate the public to comply with the Buildings Ordinance. The personal data disclosed in this register should not be used for any unrelated purposes.

一. 聯絡電話、電郵地址及傳真號碼欄內的資料是由名冊內人士以自願性質提供。從名單中挑選及委聘任何人士,則純屬樓宇業主及該名人士之間的私人事項,因此不應把名單內的任何人士視為已獲得本會或政府推薦。
二. 此登記名單是為方便公眾人士遵從建築物條例而設,所以名單上的所有個人資料俱不得用作其他無關用途。